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FeelNu and Medical Group Robinson Blog

07/30/2019 01:05 PM
Probiotics and Gut Health
The human gut microbiome is composed of an enormous number of microorganisms, generally regarded as commensal bacteria. Without this inherent microbial community, we would be unable to digest plant polysaccharides and would have trouble extracting lipids from our diet. Resident gut bacteria are an important contributor to healthy metabolism and there is significant evidence linking gut microbiota and metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. In the past few years, neuroscience research has demonstrated the importance of microbiota in the development of brain systems that are vital to both stress reactivity and stress-related behaviors.
Every living human experiences stress. Stress is a natural response to stimuli that may challenge the body’s homeostatic state. In the realm of biology, stress refers to what happens when an organism responds any unbalance in homeostasis. Understanding the biochemical interactions that constitute the stress response requires a definition of stress. Some stress, of course, can be beneficial. Stress can be brief and beneficial, or it can be long-lasting and harmful, causing depression and paralysis. Often, however, stress can reach chronic, harmful levels, and toxic consequences follow, from compromised immune function to weight gain to developmental impairment. Chronic stress affects the human body in various ways including, but not limited to, the death of brain cells, premature aging, depression, anxiety, severe disruption in the digestive system and changes in menstrual cycles for females. Proper stress management takes on great importance given the wide range of bodily systems impacted by stress hormones. Hormones and neurotransmitters released during stress are believed to be responsible for behavioral changes associated with stress exposure including effects on learning and memory. Research shows it is now clear that gut microbes have an effect on inflammation, pain, eating behaviors, food cravings, mood and other seemingly unrelated symptoms, such as depression or uncontrolled anxiety.  In addition, it is common for depression and anxiety to co-exist with disorders such as IBS (irritable bowel disorder).
The gut-brain axis provides a way of communicating both directions using signals, such as neurotransmitters, hormones and cytokines. There is proven research that microbial balance and imbalance influences emotions and immunity health.  Equally important the emotions one may feel and neurotransmitters produced by the brain have a profound effect on the gut as well. Dysfunction in the communication between gut and brain can lead to various diseases, including depression and anxiety.  The human gut is populated by more than 100 trillion microbes. As humans are exposed to stress, chemicals, antibiotics, and toxins, the diversity of the microbiome decreases, there is more susceptibility to illness and disease. Gut microbitia functions include:
              Development of immune system function
              Assisting with bowel movements and gut motility
              Maintaining intestinal cell barrier integrity
              Aiding in digestion and absorption of specific vitamins and minerals
              Controlling fat absorption and distribution

Microbes and Stress

What is increasingly clear is that there is bi-directional communication between gut microbes influencing the central nervous system and brain and the reverse; communication between the brain influencing microbial composition.   
These are the top 3 ways that chronic stress affects the gut:
1.              Increases the levels of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-alpha) which can changes gut microbe populations.
2.              Increases permeability of the gut lining, which is linked to many autoimmune diseases  (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and many others).
3.              Allows bacteria to cross over into the bloodstream where the bacterial coating (LPS) can trigger an intense inflammatory response in the body
The bottom line is there is a growing body of evidence that suggests gut microbes play a large role in regulation in behavior and brain chemistry and are relevant to development of depression and anxiety. Probiotics are now a key to protecting the gut bacteria and aiding in growing new, beneficial cells!

07/22/2019 08:16 AM
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones and Their Benefits
Although not many people have heard of or learned about injectable peptide therapy before, there is extensive research in this field regarding the benefits of peptides. Scientists may have stumbled upon the illusive “Fountain of Youth.” Recent breakthroughs have given doctors the ability to prescribe peptide therapy to stop ageing in its tracks. Peptides are produced naturally in the body; however, over time the body loses the ability to create as much as it once used to. Peptide therapy through injection encourages the body to produce its own amino acids. 

Having optimal levels of human growth hormone (HGH) is important! Growth hormone (GH) is a small protein that is made by the pituitary gland and secreted into the bloodstream. GH production is controlled by a complex set of hormones produced in the hypothalamus of the brain and in the intestinal tract and pancreas.As with other key hormones — such as testosterone and estrogen — having healthy levels of growth hormone is important. HGH helps your body with metabolism, cell repair and other vital functions. Several natural supplements can temporarily increase the production of HGh. 

The wide range of benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Increase bone density 
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system 
  • Increase muscle mass 
  • Improve ability to burn fat 
  • Increase sex drive 
  • Improve recovery and repair from injuries 
  • Regenerate nerve tissues 
  • Strengthen the immune system  
  • Improve cognition and memory

07/08/2019 01:20 PM
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement for Men & Women

As we age, hormone levels will decline. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the replacement of hormones in menopausal women and andropausal men. You are very fortunate that you have found a clinician who believes that you deserve individualized healthcare and understands that one size does not fit all. You will receive hormone doses specifically for you, in a dosage form that fits your body and your lifestyle. 

What are pellet implants?
Hormone pellets are surgically implanted into the patient for HRT. The pellets are tiny cylinders that are inserted into a numbed area of subcutaneous fat, typically in the hip or the abdomen. This dosage form is very physiologic in that it closely mimics how your body releases hormones. The pellets can last 3-6 months, depending on the patient. Another benefit of pellet therapy is that the pellets remain within the body and consistently provide the dosing that the body requires. This contrasts with other hormone replacement therapy administrations in which the hormone is provided in spurts, such as pills and creams, resulting in a roller-coaster effect of relief to discomfort for the patient.

Symptoms of menopause in women:
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Weight Gain
  • Low Libido
  • Fatigue /loss of energy
  • Decreased memory
  • Mood swings
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety

Symptoms of Andropause in men:
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Osteoporosis
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased libido
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased memory
  • Irritability
  • Heart disease
  • Prostate problems
  • Decreased cognitive function

What are the drawbacks of pellet therapy?

The only drawback of pellet therapy is that there may be an upfront cost associated with the treatment. This is because many insurance carriers do not cover HRT pellet therapy. It is possible that insurance carriers do not provide coverage for HRT because it is a natural treatment which cannot be patented and therefore cannot be approved by the FDA.

06/19/2019 09:33 AM
My ProLon Experience
My ProLon Experience

What is it?
ProLon is a five-day program that comes in a pre-assembled box. While it may be appealing to the eye
with its sleek, modern, white box design, it is not for the faint of heart! This five-day, scientifically-backed,
fast-mimicking diet (FMD) is one of the best weight loss decisions you can make.

Fast is a trigger word for many, who may think of it is some type of ordeal; however, the ProLon box
simplifies everything for those looking to take the next steps toward a healthier life. The Fasting
Mimicking Diet was created by Dr. Valter Longo, an Italian biologist and researcher. Replicating the
benefits of fasting while still nourishing the body undergoing calorie deprivation.

With this plant-based, whole food meal kit, you are equipped with all of the tools for a successful
five-day reset to your system. It mitigates the burden and danger of water-only fasting by providing a
tasty, convenient, and safe dietary program that does not require ongoing lifestyle changes, such as
long-term dieting. ProLon is lactose and gluten free, as well as low in both carbohydrates and proteins.
There is just the exception of (delicious) honey in the nut bar.

What were my reasons for starting the diet?
Everyone’s reasoning for starting the ProLon program is different. Some of the signs that my body was
in need of a reset were:
  • Tired after getting 8 hours of sleep
  • Mental grogginess
  • Craving caffeine and sugars
  • Low energy
  • Cranky
  • Skin began to look dull with dark circles under my eyes and more acne
  • Stomach bloat
  • Irregularity in bowel movements
  • Irregular hormonal cycles
  • Weight gain
  • Inability to lose weight even while dieting and exercising

What can it help with?
ProLon is clinically proven to aid in treatment for those patients with:
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic inflammation
  • High blood glucose levels
  • Arthritis
  • Auto-immune diseases
  • Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity, weight management, and diabetes prevention
  • Even cancer prevention and treatment
*Note* This meal plan is not used as a sole replacement treatment for these diseases. Always talk to your physician before
undergoing the ProLon meal plan.

Daily breakdown
Day 1
I did not have to put much thought into starting the program. If feel that I would have talked myself out
of doing it and would have pushed off my start date to a later time. I started on a Tuesday by opening the
box marked “Day 1.” So far so good! I woke up, had one of the teas provided along with the delicious
date and nut bar provided. I made sure I was getting enough water throughout the entire day to alleviate
some of the symptoms that come with fasting, like low energy or hunger. I thoroughly savored each of the
soups provided in the box. Later on the first day, I spoke with one of the health coaches, which is a free
service provided by the company. Her knowledge and encouragement was very helpful! You are able to
ask anything you may want while on the phone with the health coach. A daily tip is also emailed to you to
help ensure your success while on the program. Most people feel good and don't really miss their normal
food on Day 1. I was also sure to enjoy the tasty bars for both breakfast and as a snack. The soups were
quite good as well! All the tools for success came in a convenient box that was small enough to fit in my
purse! Staying hydrated is key throughout the fasting mimicking diet (FMD) meal program.

Day 2
I had a great night’s sleep. I keep repeating to myself, “You can make it, don’t let your hard work of
following the diet so strictly go out the door by eating food!” Fatigue, as I was told by the health coach,
was normal as the body begins its transformation. I was sure not to over exert myself, but remained busy
as I adjusted to the new meal plan. I took the night easy and rested, watched some television, and did
some reading. Going to bed early was also helpful! Day 2 complete: another day another victory for

Day 3
While some people considered this day to be the hardest, I found it to be quite easy. Less caffeine was
needed to start my day and I used a trick from a friend to wait until 1 pm to eat my L-Bar. I savored every
single bite of my soups later on in the day and remembered to drink an abundance of water and the
non-caffeinated teas provided. With my third day coming to an end, I took a nice evening stroll with my
dog and went to bed early again. I went to bed early and got such a good sleep this night that my REM
cycle was deep enough for vivid dreams.

Day 4
I woke up with more energy than before. I felt more energized than the previous days. I was less hungry,
more focused on work and could feel my stomach bloat decreasing. While I did have more energy, I was
reminded to refrain from intense exercise. I went out to a restaurant and brought the teas and olives
provided in the meal pack, and it turned out to be a great distraction! My friends complimented me on my
willpower and the evening was surprisingly easy for me.

Day 5
I woke Saturday morning with a burst of energy and a sense of accomplishment! I could see the light at
the end of the tunnel for the final stretch of the meal plan. I stayed strong. All of my hard work delivered
the maximum benefits to my body, and I could see and feel the difference! I managed to lose a total of
three pounds and two inches off of my hips! Would I repeat this program next month? 100% YES. For
the mental clarity and mood enhancement alone, this program will always be worth it.

Tips for your success

1. Stay busy! The less time you have where you can think about grazing, the better. Being distracted by
work, family, taking care of my dog, and just making sure I was not allowing myself the opportunity to
snack was all a big help

2. Resist the urge to work out and over exert yourself. There is so much going on at a cellular level,
with the new turnover of cells, new stem-cell production is happening, and your body is fueling itself to
perform all of this. You need to preserve energy for the rejuvenation process.

3. Drink lots of water! Remind yourself that you are more than just what you eat. You can do anything
you want for five days. Go for a walk, meditate, spend time with friends, just find a way to distract
yourself for the five-day stretch.
4. Do not watch cooking shows!

5. Appetite suppression gets easier on the diet as you go along, but if
you find yourself at your wits end, contact your doctor to see if you may receive some additional
help along the way.

6. Do not hesitate to call the health coaches provided to you through the diet program.

Visit the ProLon website for more about fast-mimicking diets and intermittent fasting!