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FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center

Laser Procedures Frequently Asked Questions

covering light based and phototherapy, hair removal, skin tightening, and resurfacing

Light Based Laser Frequently Asked Questions

This “lunchtime” procedure takes between 15 and 30 minutes.
IPL (XEO) or BBL are gentle, pulsed light treatments that can effectively and comfortably remove sun and age spots.
Typically, one or two treatments are sufficient to see dramatic results. Additional treatments may be required for very large or dark spots or for densely covered areas.
The treatment has been rigorously tested in clinical studies, has been FDA approved and is very safe. The pulsed light hand piece is designed to treat only pigment, not the surrounding skin or tissue.
Immediately following the treatment, the spots may start to darken. You may notice a slight reddening of the surrounding skin. This typically subsides within a couple of hours. Over the course of the next 1-3 weeks, darkened spots will fade and flake off.
No. New spots may appear. These too can be removed. Remember to liberally apply sunscreen to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots.

Laser Hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions

In a nutshell, the laser is attracted to pigment in your hair follicles. The beam is aimed at unwanted hair, where it “pulses” down to the roots to disable growth.
You will notice a significant reduction right away. However, it will take 2 to 4 weeks for all of the treated hair to push its way to the surface and fall out.
You will need a few follow-up treatments to adequately rid yourself of unwanted hair. A follow up appointment is scheduled 4 to 8 weeks after each treatment, and for successful results, it’s critical to maintain these follow-up treatments.
Generally, five or six treatments are necessary. After that, many clients can discontinue the treatments with only periodic touch-ups. However, it is important to understand that results vary depending on hair type, stress levels, certain medications and different hormone levels. Keeping in mind some individuals will require fewer treatments and some will require more treatments depending on the results desired.
Although the FDA has not yet labeled it as such, we have seen that after 5 or 6 treatments, hair often does not reappear. Again, this varies from person to person.
Most clients can tolerate the slight prickly or stinging sensation without any difficulty, but we do use a cooling system to cool the area and decrease your discomfort.
No. Your skin will turn red in the treated area, but this subsides within a few minutes up to a few hours, and then returns to normal. The laser is not invasive, so you can simply re-apply your make-up, and continue your normal daily activities following your office visit.
Since the laser is attracted to the pigment in the hair follicle, light hair color (red, very blonde, white or gray) may not have enough pigment to be successfully treated with the laser. If this applies to you, we may want to test a spot to see if your hair responds to the laser.
Lasers are precise instruments that can be adjusted to the exact parameters that will specifically disable the hair follicle. The laser uses a wide beam that treats many hairs at once instead of treating hair-by-hair like electrolysis. Because of this, large areas such as your legs, arms, or back can be treated in a short period of time. You will see results that last far longer than tweezing, waxing, shaving, chemical depilation, or other temporary methods.
The treatment does have a slight prickly or stinging sensation. Most of our clients are able to tolerate the treatment without difficulty. However, since every person’s level of sensitivity is different and treatment areas may vary, a topical numbing cream is available.
Reddening of the skin is the desired reaction. The redness usually subsides within a few minutes to a few hours and returns to normal. Since the laser is not invasive in any way, no bandages are necessary. You are able to re-apply your make-up, return to work and continue with your normal daily activities immediately following treatment.
It has been our experience most of our patients are able to discontinue treatments, knowing they will probably need an occasional touchup, after an average of 5 to 6 treatments. This is providing that the recommended treatment schedule is followed. It is also important to understand, results may vary depending on the individuals hair type, their stress levels, certain medications and different hormone levels. Keeping in mind some individuals will require fewer treatments and some will require more treatments depending on the results desired.
The FDA has cleared laser hair removal regardless of the laser for “Permanent Hair Reduction” only. Based on our experience we believe that the hair treated will probably not re-grow. Each individual’s treatment response may be different because of their hair or skin type and that we have between 500 and 1000 follicles per square inch, of which many are dormant at the time of treatment, we have no way of knowing if and when they may start growing due to stress levels, certain medications and different hormone levels.
After your initial treatment, you should enjoy a significant reduction of hair. However, it will take 2 to 4 weeks for the treated hair to push its way to the surface and fall out. With each treatment, the hair in the active growing phase will be effectively treated. A follow up appointment is scheduled in 4 to 8 weeks after each treatment. With that in mind remember the importance of maintaining your follow up appointments.
Since the laser is attracted to the pigment in the hair follicle, this hair color may not have enough pigment to be successfully treated with the laser. If this applies to you, we may want to try a test spot to see if your hair responds to the laser.

Laser Phototherapy Frequently Asked Questions

It is a gentle, non-invasive procedure that reduces small imperfections such as facial vessels, acne scars, rosacea, sun damage, redness and wrinkles.
Unlike many other treatment methods, it is a comfortable, non-ablative form of skin therapy. This means you will see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation. We offer all therapies in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of general or local anesthesia, gel or cream.
Initial results are subtle. On average you may require 4 to 6 treatments in order to achieve the results you’re looking for. Improvements will continue to be visible for 4 to 6 months after your last treatment. It is important for the clinical staff to have a clear understanding of your expectations to make sure they are realistic with this type of procedure.
Absolutely safe. Any area of the body can be treated, and no numbing is necessary. You may see minor redness, but it will disappear within a few hours. Clients describe the activity as relaxing and therapeutic. There are virtually no other side effects.
This non-ablative procedure reduces visible facial vessels, diffuse redness, acne scars, Rosacea, sun damage, large pores, and it has been FDA approved to reduce wrinkles by gently warming the upper dermis, improving the appearance of your skin. The result is a healthy looking and vibrant appearance.
Telangiectasia or facial vessels are dilated capillaries that commonly appear on the surface of the face and in areas around the nose, cheeks and above the neckline. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that are present throughout the body. Prolonged sun exposure, aging trauma and other factors can cause capillaries to become dilated and visible. There is also a hereditary factor in developing facial telangiectasia. Laser Phototherapy will help your appearance by treating any visible trace of these unsightly veins.

Diffuse redness is a general appearance of facial redness, such as rosy cheeks. As with facial telangiectasia, this condition results due to dilated capillaries, however the appearance is more of a general redness rather than discrete well-defined vessels. The most commonly affected areas are the nose, forehead and cheeks. Diffuse redness is often associated with a condition called Rosacea that can be hereditary. Laser Phototherapy will help your appearance by gently treating and reducing this condition.
There are no complicated pretreatment rituals with this procedure. Prior to the actual treatment you will be asked to remove your make-up or moisturizers and in some cases, you may be asked to shave the area to be treated so as not to interfere with the laser treatment. We will review and assist with all pre-treatment requirements. There are no numbing creams used in this procedure.
No, Laser Phototherapy is a comfortable, non-ablative, non-invasive treatment. Unlike other laser treatments it does not wound the skin’s surface therefore virtually eliminating the need for complicated post treatment care. Typically patients describe the treatment as a gentle warming of the surface.
Immediately after the treatment you will experience some minor redness. The redness typically lasts only a few hours. Patients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic with visible results that are subtle yet noticeable. You can expect to immediately return to normal activities utilizing sunscreen if participating in outdoor activities.

Skin Tightening Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

This is a 100% light-based procedure that heats the second layer of skin (dermis) which stimulates long-term collagen production and contraction, while preserving the outer layer of skin through continuous cooling.
As you age, collagen production in your skin begins to decline, causing your skin to become thin, dry and wrinkled. The skin you had in your youth produced more collagen, giving you the tight, smooth skin you desire. The more collagen you have, the better your skin looks.
Yes. It offers a superior safety record with very reproducible results. Most people find any pain to be minimal.
The procedure treats lax skin throughout the body – including the abdomen, thighs and underarms – and will also tone, lift and tighten skin on the face and neck.
Generally speaking, two to four treatments sessions are required, scheduled about a month apart.
Absolutely. Most treatments take about an hour, and you won’t see any negative effects on the skin. You can return to regular activities immediately following the procedure.
The procedure is a safe, non-surgical process that uses an infrared light source to tighten skin and reverse the signs of aging. It can stimulate long-term collagen rebuilding that leaves younger looking skin.
The procedure treats lax and redundant skin throughout the body – including the abdomen, thighs and underarms – and will also tone, lift and tighten skin on the face and neck.
Generally 2 – 5 treatment sessions are required. Scheduled 2 to 4 weeks apart.
Most treatments require about 30 minutes to an hour of time depending on the treatment area.
Most people find the treatments painless. No pre-medication or sedation needed.
There are no blisters or wounds to care for upon leaving the center. You can return to work or a social engagement without any down time.

Fractional Skin Resurfacing Frequently Asked Questions

With Fractional Skin Resurfacing, only a fraction of the skin receives the laser light. The laser delivers a series of microscopic, closely spaced laser “columns” to the skin while simultaneously preserving the skin between the columns. This preservation of unaffected skin results in rapid healing following the laser treatment. Hence the entire face accomplishes treatment with the laser in approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Side effects are minimal, usually swelling and redness, with little risk of infection or scarring.
We suggest three to six treatments spaced 7 to 14 days apart for best results.
Absolutely! You will begin to notice improvement in skin texture, age spot reduction and fine line reduction after your first treatment. Optimal results appear in about two to three months, or between 3-6 sessions.
Yes, the entire face undergoes treatment at each session, but the laser light maintains space in microscopic columns so that not all of the skin undergoes treatment at the same time. It targets about 15% of the skin’s total surface during each session. This is why skin heals so naturally, with few side effects and minimal downtime.
People generally use this innovative procedure for their face, neck, chest and hands. But, yes, it’s safe enough to use just about anywhere.
Your skin will have a light pinkish tone for five to seven days. This is a normal sign of healthy healing. Swelling is minimal and usually subsides within three days. Your skin will probably take on a bronze look from three to 14 days, and may flake a bit as the damaged cells are vigorously exfoliated.
Your face will be sensitive to the sun, so you’ll want to wear a high SPF sun block for several months following treatment. You can apply make-up or shave soon after treatment, and return to normal activities following treatment.
The actual treatment only takes about 30 minutes.
You will feel a mild sunburn sensation for about an hour after the procedure, but that’s about it.
Clinical studies suggest that for an effective treatment regime patients should receive five treatments sessions spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart for optimal results. At your consultation our staff will customize a personal treatment plan for the specific goal you wish to achieve.
Fractional Skin Resurfacing Therapy offers the benefits of speedy healing and minimal to no downtime. Side effects are minimal and typically involve swelling and redness. Mild swelling should subside within a day or so, and redness usually fades over several days. Application of make-up may resume immediately after treatment. Some clients return to routine activities. Risk of infection or scarring is limited.
Treatments typically cause minimal discomfort beyond normal toleration and feels like a prickling sensation.