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FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center


safe and minimally invasive

Minimally Invasive

Sclerotherapy is a safe, minimally invasive, and almost always effective procedure for treating superficial surface veins. This procedure uses tiny needles to inject a liquid or foam chemical agent into visible surface veins. The injected chemical solution causes the treated veins to shrink and collapse over time. Multiple sessions are often required for full results, but once the veins are gone, they generally stay that way.

The Procedure

This simple outpatient procedure can take place over a noon hour. In most cases, the solution injects through a very fine needle directly into the vein. Mild discomfort and cramping for one to two minutes may occur, especially with larger veins injections. The procedure itself takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. Furthermore, compression stockings need worn following the procedure and avoid aerobic activity for a few days, though walking is encouraged.

sclerotherapy pittsburgh pa

The Results

In general, spider veins respond in three to six weeks, and larger veins respond in three to four months. If the veins respond to the treatment they will not reappear. However, new veins may appear at the same rate as before. If needed, you may return for more injections. Our physician can talk to you about expectations, after-care and more during your initial consultation.

Other Treatments

Please explore the information about our vein therapy for men and women. Then feel free to contact us at MGR and its FeelNu Medical Spa with any questions. And to find out how we can help through conservative methods and beyond on an individual basis. Learn for yourself what millions of men and women are already aware of – take back control of your health! You are as young as you feel.

FeelNu offers a wide array of vein treatments including: